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does walking help lose weight

can you lose weight by walking

There are a number of sports that can be practiced at home, going to sports clubs, which may be closed due to precautionary measures for the Corona virus, and among these sports are the following

Walk into the house and a program

Walking around the house you can get in shape. Walking for an hour and moving between rooms burns about 300 calories an hour; It is simple even if you walk in your bedroom, on a treadmill, or through YouTube programs

Exercising that helps burn calories in a short time, and exercising regularly helps to release happy hormones, which positively affect your mood and help in managing your appetite


how much should i walk to lose weight
how much should i walk to lose weight

Zumba is a gentle heating up with somewhat calming music that starts to escalate gradually as the movements increase in speed, and burn a lot of calories; One hour of Zumba helps you burn about 500-800 calories because of the variation between fast and slow sports movements simultaneously. This, zumba increases the proportion of muscle mass in the body as well as helps in getting a taut body. After practicing Zumba, the level of the hormone serotonin increases in the body, the “happiness hormone”. What helps to feel relaxed and calm and eliminates depression


does walking help you lose weight
does walking help you lose weight

Half an hour of squat helps you burn around 180 calories

Exercise that works to strengthen the lower body; It depends on the main lower muscles such as: thigh muscles, leg muscles, butt muscles and tendons in the knee area, and it stimulates the body to burn calories, thus burning fat more effectively, especially when practicing squats on a daily basis.

Squats burn lots of calories. Half an hour of squat helps you burn about 180 calories

Jump rope

walking to lose weight chart
walking to lose weight chart

It has many benefits; It promotes stability, improves balance, strengthens muscles and burns fat

The practice of jumping rope for half an hour will burn about 350 calories

Going up and down stairs

Climbing the stairs at an average speed burns about 450 calories per hour, and it stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the heart, buttocks and thighs muscles, and slims the 
lower body

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