How to make cowboy salad recipe


How to make cowboy salad recipe


4 Tomatoes

0.5 Green pepper

0.5 Yellow pepper

300 g canned corn

200 g Canned red beans

100 g Chickpeas

1 Red onion

3 Chive sprigs

1 tbsp. Coffee Mustard

1 tbsp. coffee vinegar

1 Olive oil drizzle

Tabasco drops (a little) 

Calories = Medium

Preparation steps

Peel and chop the onion. Wash and cut the tomatoes into cubes, do the same with the peppers.

Drain the corn, kidney beans and chickpeas.

In a salad bowl, combiine the mustard, vinegar and olive oil.

Add the vegetables and the onion then mix.

Add the chopped chives and a few drops of Tabasco.

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