

°5 phyllo sheets (in the fresh section)

°150 grams liquid honey

°120 gm peeled almonds

°60 gm ground almonds

°50 grams of sugar

°50gm unsalted butter

°2 tbsp. tablespoon blossom water

°1 tbsp. tablespoons ginger spice

° tbsp. poppy seed

+Calories = very high


Heat oven to 180 ° C.

In a small saucepan, melt 5 grams of butter. Pour into a salad bowl with sliced ​​almonds, sugar, ground almonds, gingerbread seasoning, 1 tbsp. of honey and 1 tbsp. Orange blossom water.

Melting rest of butter separately. Open the sheets of phyllo and cut each into 2. Place a rectangle in the bottom of the rectangular dish and brush with a little melted butter using a pastry brush. Cover the rectangle with 6 more buttered rectangles in a row.

Decorate the dish with the almond filling, smooth and cover again with 6 rectangles of phyllo dough with butter between each layer. Prick the top of the dish with a fork. Glaze the surface with a large spoon. honey.

Bake the baklava for 25 minutes.

In a saucepan, dissolve remaining honey with 1 tbsp. Orange blossom water. Straight from the oven, sprinkle the baklava with hot honey and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Leave to cool, then cut into diamond shapes and serve at room temperature.

Enjoy !

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