cold cheesecake recipe

 cold cheesecake recipe

 The recipe is successful, but the taste depends on the type of chocolate used. The more good the chocolate is, the better the taste will be

 How to prepare 👨🏼‍🍳👨🏼‍🍳👨🏼‍🍳👨🏼‍🍳

 The first stage of the base

 We take 100 g butter, mix it with 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla, add an egg, two tablespoons of oil, and a pinch of baking powder and combine it with flour.

 Stage 2 second layer

 We put a layer of sliced ​​bananas on the base, with some crushed roasted walnuts, and covered with a thin layer of chocolate glaze.

 third stage

 We take a box of fresh cream and heat it. We have melted a box of chocolate and a tablespoon of chocolate glaze. We mix it well until we get a shiny mixture. We put it in the fridge until it sticks and cools. We beat it well until we get a creamy texture.

 We whipped a cup of Chantilly with a box of diet cheese and two tablespoons of cocoa and even a little milk until it held together. We mixed the two creams together and put them on top of the banana layer.

 Fourth stage

 Melt a chocolate can in a water bath, add milk gradually, stirring until we get a smooth and shiny mixture, put it on the surface of the dessert, let it dry a little and decorate it with chocolate lines 😘😘😘

 And health ☺️☺️☺️

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