The basic principles of a healthy, full-fledged, varied and balanced diet

 Following a healthy diet, in order to be in good shape and maintain good health, it is necessary to apply a varied and balanced healthy diet.


This balance should be built on a daily basis and eat healthy food to avoid shortcomings and excesses. 

In this topic, we will help you follow the best healthy diet for the body, and there are several factors that affect our daily food and its quality, and this is what we will address in this topic and we must also exercise and there is more than one topic about sports here in the blog, Please read these topics

Basic principles of a healthy diet

In this article you will discover the benefits of a healthy diet and basic needs, the best healthy food, the correct nutrition method and how to eat useful and healthy meals in practice.

How to apply a healthy diet for life

It is advisable to choose foods from different groups: 

vegetables and fruits (half of the dish), Cereal Products (half of the dish), meat and its substitutes (the other quarter) and healthy fats (wish the dish), and the addition of calcium, through the consumption of dairy products, for example.

So your meal will be an ideal meal containing the most important necessary elements.

A varied and balanced healthy diet

To achieve the necessary healthy nutritional range from a full meal and avoid deficiencies, you should not only eat foods from each food group every day, but you should also eat all the healthy ingredients from each group to have a complete healthy diet and you should steam cooking this is very important to preserve vitamins and minerals in vegetables.

Fresh and high-quality food

You should follow a healthy weight loss diet schedule by eating fresh and homemade food. 

Refined products, hydrogenated fats, prepared foods and genetically modified foods should be avoided.

A healthy diet to strengthen the body

Excess weight stimulates the appearance of many diseases and significantly reduces life expectancy. A healthy weight loss diet that is low in calories (but without a lack of nutrients) may help in the long term to lose weight, prevent some types of cancer and increase longevity, in addition, this makes it possible to reduce oxidation, could it be possible to reduce daily calories in the diet yes you can systematically reduce the servings of high-calorie foods (pasta, rice, bread, for example) by a quarter or a third and replace them with low-calorie nutritious foods, such as vegetables, salad and this is necessary to improve the diet followed .

Follow a healthy and balanced diet

Proper nutrition means the first step to a healthy diet for dieting, so you should know these basic principles: fats are the basis of the manufacture of all our cells, our hormonal system and all our cell membranes.

They provide the energy necessary for the body to function and regulate multiple physiological functions. Omega-3's are essential for any good diet. You need to know how to choose your oils with high-quality fatty acids rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins are essential in any balanced diet. They help the proper functioning of organs thanks to the amino acids from which they are made:

isolysin, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine.

Our cells need these eight essential amino acids, and the deficiency of only one of these amino acids hinders protein synthesis, which is necessary to rebuild our DNA, carbohydrates are necessary to provide energy to our body.

The microbiome and why the current diet has become poor.

TODAY Food is getting poorer in terms of micronutrients, due to the current cultivation system (the use of pesticides, fungicides, etc.), the food extraction system (refining, high temperatures), cooking methods (microwave, frying), preservation methods destroy these micronutrients. They create imbalances responsible for a large number of symptoms (inflammation, sleep disorders, memory disorders, mood disorders, digestive disorders) and therefore probiotics should be obtained, as it helps you maintain and increase them, while also paying attention to prebiotics.

I have written a whole topic about the microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics, their impact on humans, their health and their importance. 
you can read the article to learn more information about them.

Tips for achieving a healthy diet for weight loss

A healthy balanced diet is not just about useful foods , overeating even useful ones is harmful to health and many people are addicted to are 4 tips for a healthy diet to avoid obesity and lose weight quickly.

1-do not eat unless you are hungry.
2-stay away from food addicts (people who eat too much and all the time more than the body needs).
3-you have to fast, it is the best system to get rid of addiction, other than its great benefits, it is an independent diet.
4-train yourself to eat small amounts so as not to fill your stomach, a healthy diet and weight loss depend on the quantity and quality of foods and remember quality is much more important than quantity.

Moving to a healthy diet and staying away from eating bad foods and replacing them with healthy foods is a difficult process at first because your body gets used to bad habits and unhealthy meals full of sugar and hydrogenated fats, it depends on the will Yes it is the Will you have to endure a few days just to find yourself getting rid of the addiction

Thus, we have finished explaining the way to follow the system, which is not only for slimming, but you must follow this very important system for your body and your health not only for a certain period of time, this health system must be permanent for life, and your family and children must learn this system to maintain them and their health.

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