The benefits of walking and the right way of walking for slimming

The many benefits of walking and how to practice it

Walking is one of the easiest sports that anyone can do, regardless of age or health status. It has many benefits, as it maintains the health of the heart, muscles and body health in general, and also helps burn fat. Therefore, in this topic we will talk about the most important of these benefits and the correct way to walk for slimming.

The benefits of walking and the right way of walking for slimming

First: What are the benefits of walking

In this part we will talk about the many health benefits of walking. But you must practice daily walking on a regular basis in order to gain these benefits:

Strengthen muscles, bones, joints, maintain their integrity.
Walking helps to stimulate blood circulation, maintain heart health and strengthen immunity.
Brisk walking burns body fat and gets rid of extra pounds.
Prevention of chronic age diseases such as stress and diabetes.
Reduce stress, improve breathing and increase the percentage of oxygen in the blood.
Maintain healthy skin.

Although it sounds easy, you can't get these benefits and more unless you practice walking properly.

Second: the right way to walk for slimming

And in this part we will talk about the correct way of walking for slimming and the Prevention of chronic diseases:

The back should be straight and the abdominal muscles tightened, this is also useful for the health of the spine.
Look forward while walking and avoid looking down.
You should start walking ( the first 3 minutes ) slowly and finish the same way ( the last 3 minutes ).
Walking outside the house during the day, taking into account avoiding the heat of the sun, it is preferable to walk in the afternoon and away from cars and their exhausts.
Alternately move the arms from the shoulders, walk with steady steps and the heel of the foot should touch the floor first.
Walk fast to get the best result and burn calories.
You should walk ٣٠ at least a minute a day.
This is the correct walking method that must always be followed to get the best benefit for the body from this sport. Often at first you will make mistakes and walk in your usual way, but after a while maybe a few days you will get used to the correct way to walk. Also, the back should be straight and the abdominal muscles tight while sitting and after a short time you will automatically find yourself walking and sitting correctly.

Application of profit from walking

Application of profit from walking

Recently, walking and earning money applications have spread, which is the application of calculating steps and earning through them, so I will explain the best program for earning from walking and calculating steps accurately.

How to use the sweatcoin program
Sweatcoin application is a program that calculates steps accurately, but only outside the home, and this is its true value. And you can earn from it discount coupons on purchases from various sites.
Many are looking for a way to withdraw money from the sweatcoin program. But to earn and withdraw money, it is required that at least 100 people sign up through you, and this is the only way you can withdraw money from the sweatcoin program on PayPal.

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