Vegetarianism – how to eat right

 Vegetarianism can be a very healthy or extremely harmful diet, depending on how you eat properly in this regime.

The relationship between vegetarianism and healthy food

Although you should add variety, balance and moderation to your daily meals, but vegetarianism is based only on vegetarian food. That is, a vegetarian person eats plants and avoids meat of all kinds, be it meat, chicken or even fish.

And some vegetarians eat eggs and most dairy products. On the other hand, the majority avoids all foods that have any animal origin. 

If you are a vegetarian of the second type, you need to compensate for the lack of protein lost in the vegetarian diet.

Is a vegetarian diet healthy and provides the body with what it needs

Vegetarianism has many benefits, but how to get enough protein. Although you probably don't realize it, but the average person consumes more protein than he actually needs, because meat, eggs and dairy products are an excellent source of protein.

A vegetarian, on the other hand, gets protein from nuts, seeds and soy products (non-GMO). And also from some plants, such as lentils, peanuts, peas, cowpeas, chickpeas, lupines, or beans and many others. 

Perhaps nuts are rich in protein, although they contain a lot of fat, so you should eat them in moderation.

Nutrients that are of interest to vegetarian people

If you are a vegetarian person and one who avoids all kinds of animal foods, you should make up for the lack of vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D.

In a normal diet the main source of vitamin B12 are animals. 

To get enough vitamin B12, vegetarians should take vitamin B12 supplements on a regular basis or take nutritional yeast on a regular basis.

As for calcium. Vegetarians can rely on orange juice or green leaves such as (dill, parsley, watercress), they also contain some calcium.

As for vitamin D, you should be exposed to direct sun in the morning every day for 15 minutes.

Vegetarian diet and weight loss

Many people are interested in getting rid of fat, perhaps some will start switching to vegetarianism for this reason.

To reduce weight in a vegetarian diet, you should completely stay away from oils, hydrogenated fats, sugar, minimize rice and zero flour products, preferably using whole grain flour.

Vegetarian diet and natural dietary supplements

There are some supplements that you can use to make up for the missing elements from abstaining from animal products (meat, poultry, fish). 

It is the best way to use natural supplements and has many benefits, and the best supplements that a person interested in a vegetarian diet can need are:

Spirulina is rich in protein even more than meat and has a lot of vitamins and minerals.
Nutritional yeast also has many benefits, the most important of which is vitamin B12.
Seaweed it is rich in important elements and also iodine.

In conclusion, vegetarianism is not just a diet in which you stay away from meat, you must eat right, so you have to choose what to eat right, reduce fats and carbohydrates to maintain health and get rid of body fat.

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