The best exercises to get rid of back fat
The best exercises to get rid of back fat

The accumulation of fat in the back region provokes a feeling of discontent in many; The prominent fatty deposits and folds prevented from having a lively and graceful appearance. Exercising helps solve this dilemma, so what are the best exercises to get rid of back fat
?The best exercises to get rid of back fat
what is the best exercise for back fat
Eating a healthy diet helps get rid of back fat accumulated
To enhance the idea of local treatment of fat areas in your body with specific exercises and make it more effective, it is imperative to follow a fat-loss diet as a first step on the way to regaining your fitness and getting rid of back fat.
The correct equation is: a healthy diet + lack of calories + exercises that focus on the lower and upper back; To make it more strong and fit.
Conscious nutrition is an essential part of dealing with excess body fats, so it is important to follow a balanced diet full of vegetables and whole foods, and to reduce the number of calories consumed, noting that the caloric rate for women ranges between 1450 and 2000 calories per day
Causes of back fat accumulation
1. Genetic factors
2. Eat extra sugar or salt
3. Eat a lot of calories
4. Inert lifestyle
5. Old age
6. Sitting in a bad posture
Where does back fat accumulate ?
:Fat accumulates in different areas of the back, including
1. Upper back fat: Excess fat that seeps from the back of the bra strap
2. Mid-back fat: Fat folds are deposited in the waist area
3. Lower back fat: The fat on the sides of the top of the pants
4. Note that genetic factors play a role with diet and lifestyle where the body stores fat
5. Cardio helps reduce weight, while resistance training reduces body fat
These exercises help relieve lower back pain, strengthen heart, leg and arm muscles, and increase blood flow to the lower back
Reverse Hip Lift
This exercise is useful for tightening the lower back
After lying on the stomach on an exercise ball, with hands flat on the floor, the glutes are pressed to raise the legs while balancing the ball
Wait a few seconds before lowering the legs. Repeat the exercise several times
The Two Sides Exercise

This exercise helps support the lower back and tone the abdominal muscles
After lying on the ground sideways and placing the legs on top of each other, the lower arm is extended along the floor; For support, fold the upper arm to touch the hand to the side of the head, with the elbow up. The leg is raised until the elbow touches, keeping the knee slightly bent
Repeat the exercise several times on both sides
Bridge Exercise
This exercise strengthens and tightens the muscles that extend along the spine
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor directly below the knees, arms out to the side. Lift the pelvis to the ceiling with pressure on the buttocks. Hold this position for 5 seconds before gently descending. Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times
Cobra exercise
The cobra exercise is useful for relaxing back muscles and burning fat
This exercise strengthens the muscles around the spine
After lying on the face on the floor and placing the hands on the floor below the shoulders, the buttocks and leg muscles are tightened, and the head is raised, then the chest from the ground
If possible, straighten the arms with a back bent. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds before gently returning to the ground. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times
Pulling the rubber band down
After standing upright, hold the elastic in the center of both hands. Bend the elbows, hands apart while pulling the strap toward the chest. The handles are returned to the starting position
Repeat this exercise 10 - 12 times
Back Extension Exercise
After lying on the stomach, with hands touching the temples, the head and shoulders are raised off the ground, while the legs are raised and the shoulder blades are pressed for a more intense workout. Repeat the exercise 10 - 12 times
Butterfly exercise
This exercise helps hold and strengthen the upper back
This exercise helps hold and strengthen the upper back
After standing upright, with feet a little apart, hold the weights (dumbbells) in your fists. Raise the arms with the dumbbells to shoulder level, then slowly return them to the sides
Repeat the exercise 10 - 12 times
Rowing exercise
Helps strengthen the upper back
After standing upright with feet and shoulders apart, weights hold the fists of the hands, bend slightly, keeping the back flat and the neck in line with the spine
The knees are slightly bent and the weight (dumbbells) is raised toward the chest
Repeat the exercise 10-12 times
If you suffer from a specific disease or are taking certain medications, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before engaging in some exercise