how to get rid of pimples in 5 minutes
If you woke up and suddenly saw a spot on your face, and you had a job interview or special occasion, what would you do to fix it quickly? Here are the top 5 natural recipes to get rid of pimples quickly
how to get rid of spots fast ?
First you have to clean the face well, and wash it with a lotion suitable for your skin, 5.1.5 with tissues, then try one of the following recipes:
1. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is used to treat facial pills, because aloe vera contains natural substances that calm humans, reduce the appearance of pimples, and even remove their effect in the long term. Aloe vera is characterized by its ability to moisturize the skin and give it a silky texture. Here's the recipe:
Peel the aloe vera to extract the gelatin inside.
Pass the gelatinous substance inside on the places of the pills
Leave it until the mixture has dried and then wash your face with lukewarm water afterwards.
100 pure honey
Honey is one of the natural substances that soothe the skin, which also helps you in treating facial pimples because it contains antioxidants, and here is the recipe:
Put drops of honey on a clean cotton ball.
Put it on the places where the pimples are and leave it for 30 minutes.
Wash the face with cold water.
This recipe is repeated more than once throughout the day.
3. Aspirin
Aspirin is an inexpensive pill-reducing active ingredient. Because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Which is recommended for use in order to treat pimples on the face in a very fast and easy way, and here is the recipe:
Break up the aspirin tablet and mix it with enough water to make a paste.
Put the mixture on the pimples for half an hour, then wash your face with water.
Repeat every six hours and you will see the difference for yourself.
4.Treating acne with toothpaste
Does toothpaste cure acne?
Yes can toothpaste cure acne
Believe it or not, toothpaste has a tremendous ability to treat facial pimples quickly and effectively. If you want to remove acne or a pimple that appeared to you before attending an evening or occasion, you can use toothpaste in that, and it is preferable here to use regular toothpaste, not gel. Here's the recipe:
Take a little toothpaste and apply it to each pimple.
Cover it with medical tape and leave it for 15 minutes.
After that, wash your face with cold water, and you will notice the difference in a short time.
5. Apple cider vinegar recipe

Apple cider vinegar sauce
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most natural recipes that can help you treat facial pimples, because it contains many properties that help restore the pH of the skin and also close the pores after cleaning them naturally.
Sprinkle a little bit of the apple on a clean cotton ball.
Wipe the cotton on your face and gently pass it on.
Repeating this recipe has the effect of once throughout the day.
Homemade apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar detoxification recipe