The amazing benefits of green tea and how to drink it

 What is green tea and why it should be consumed every day, in today's article we will learn about the many health benefits of green tea for the body, skin and hair in detail.

The amazing benefits of green tea and how to drink it

What is green tea:

Green tea has many health benefits, the most prominent of which are:

Green tea helps to lose weight and increase the rate of burning belly fat by 

Acceleration of metabolism.

Green tea leaves maintain overall health and maintain bone integrity.

Green tea fights aging and also helps to resist cancer cells, free radicals and infections of the body and also works to prevent diseases. Also 

It boosts immunity thanks to its large content of antioxidants and flavonoids ( polyphenols ).

It preserves the heart and reduces bad cholesterol.

Green tea maintains brain health and works to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (dementia), also improves memory.

Reduces insulin sensitivity, as well as reduces the risk of developing Type II diabetes.

It contains catechins that fight harmful oral bacteria and maintain healthy gums and teeth.

How to prepare and drink green tea

Green tea is considered a dietary drink and has a wonderful taste. In addition to being exposed to many medical and scientific studies on the benefits of green tea, it is now very widespread, so you should familiarize yourself with the method of preparing and drinking green tea .

And the correct way of its action is, the water is boiled and it is laid out on the tea leaves and covered for five minutes. Then drink it and it should be consumed without sugar or artificial sweeteners.
You can also wait for it to cool down or put ice cubes on it and drink it iced. You can also add lemon, fresh mint, or eat it with dried mint.
It is also preferable to drink several cups of green tea drink during the day, a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening, and a cup should be consumed after each meal to help you lose weight .

The benefits of green tea for skin and hair

More than one study has been conducted on green tea leaves and their benefits for skin and hair. It has been found to help get rid of wrinkles, acne, skin infections and treats oily skin thanks to its antioxidant content. In addition to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds.
You can also use used green tea bags. After putting it in the refrigerator for at least an hour to make a mask on the eyes to reduce dark circles and puffiness of the eyes.
Also, green tea helps to maintain hair, prevent hair loss, treats the scalp and eliminates dandruff completely.
Hair and scalp are rinsed with green tea infusion, left for two hours, and then washed off with shampoo.

The question arises, Are there any types of green tea and what is the most important type
The fresher the green tea leaves, the better, but there is one type that is the most important of all, which is matcha tea.

Here are the main benefits of matcha

Matcha tea is the finest type of green tea of all. It is a Japanese tea that is grown in the shade and is in the form of a green powder. Boiling water is put on it, stirred, drunk together and has amazing benefits and a delicious taste.

The benefit of one cup of matcha tea is better than the benefits of seven cups of green tea. Therefore, it is preferable to take one glass a day.

Matcha contains a kind of caffeine that has no harm, as well as a high content of chlorophyll and many useful compounds.

Protects against the risk of heart disease, reduces triglycerides and harmful cholesterol.

Boosts immunity and eliminates harmful bacteria.

It works to rid the body of toxins accumulated by it.

Matcha increases concentration and improves memory.

It helps to calm down, relax, get rid of stress and insomnia, also improve mood and get rid of headaches.

It helps to lose weight as it increases energy consumption and speeds up the metabolism, as well as increasing the burning of calories.

It works to reduce high blood pressure.
All these and many other benefits are achieved just by consuming one cup of matcha tea a day.

In the end. The benefits of green tea are incalculable, it contains vitamins and minerals and has no harm. It has a great taste and is one of the commonly used drinks. You can drink it with lemon or mint, you can take it hot or cold, such as juice or ice. It also contributes to the treatment of many different age diseases and is used for slimming and weight loss.
Also, green tea prevents free radicals, as well as helps to get rid of the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. Promotes digestion and weight loss, helps regulate blood sugar level. It is thanks to these valuable elements that are present in the most sought-after natural drink around the world.

Thus you have a healthy drink that is rich in a lot of benefits. It contains antioxidants that are safe for all people, even for pregnant women. Therefore, you should drink green tea every day and enjoy its wonderful taste and also many amazing benefits of green tea.
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